Rice Crop Intensification ( ITP )
ITP is a method for increase rice production. This Method has been used in many countries, including Indonesia. Yields two times more with this method compared with other methods. besides increasing production, the method ITP also provides several benefits others, such as water use far less, save seeds, friendly environment, and much less need from outside is necessary. ITP can be used on a small rice field or a broad, and does not require new machinery, new equipment, or a special fertilizer and pesticide. This method has been demonstrate success with traditional varieties of rice seeds and seedlings of non - traditional. This method can be used in areas limited water availability. With Thus, using the ITP method can extend the planting season. ITP is fit in combination with organic fertilizers and techniques for natural pest control. In order for this ITP method can work well, it takes training and practice of direct more initially, so farmers become more skilled. In addition, necessary adequate irrigation system.
Aplication ITP technique is :
- Early transplant. Plant seeds when the new leaves and the skin of two seed is still attached, usually aged 8-12 days, sometimes up to 15 days, and in areas that can cooler reached 16-18 days. Early transplantation of paddy provides maximum opportunity for roots, leaves and growing. Each day will be delayed decrease in growth potential, especially after 15 days.
- Transplantation with careful. Plant seeds in the soil is muddy, not on the water that flows, with landfilling deep roots about 1-2 cm and the root tip inward or sideways. If seeds It is pressed into the soil, the roots will end pointing upward, and this is not good because growth will slow or halt about a week for recovery plants. Liver transplant care will reduce damage to roots and plant stress and reduce delays in plant growth after transplantation. This gives a great influence on plant growth in the future.
- Planting Distance. Plant seeds one by one, instead of two, three, or four at once. Seedlings were planted in square pattern with a distance measure 25 cm x 25 cm. Spacing can be estimated or marked by anything, such as special scratching to mark the planting spot. Distance This wide planting will encourage the growth of roots and leaves better.
- Irrigation and Drainage of Good Land. When leaf plants grow Give enough water to keep the soil moist, but do not mengairinya with water flowing constantly. When the rice plants began flowering and contains grain, keep the size of the water thickness of about 1-2 cm in each plants. Conduct drying before the harvest as usual. Drying A good soil will encourage root system is much greater.
- Cleaning Weeds often as may be. Begin cleaning weed seeds 10-12 days after planting, can use the scraping tool simple. After that, still doing weeding every 10-12 days until the next rice planted to grow large enough to cover all plantings (canopy). In the trial, each weeding increase rice yields up to one ton per hectare! Weeding as much as possible will add air into the soil, increasing root growth, in addition to controlling weeds. Mulch can also be used to help prevent weed growth.
- Compost Application ITP can walk without any compost or fertilizer, but compost and natural fertilizers will improve growth, improve soil quality and can increase the harvest. Trial has conducted showed that the compost and organic fertilizers also provide better results compared with chemical fertilizers, especially after so many years later. This caused because an increase in soil quality and microbial activity in soil, which increases nutrients for the soil and plant roots. Mulch is also very important to provide the elements nutrients and maintain soil biota. Similarly, the use of EM (Effective Micro-Organism), also will help the success rate. This technique gives good results in plant growth; healthy root growth caused growth stems, leaves, and the chicks are big and strong, and grains of rice be greater.
Healthy Agriculture

source : idepfoundation(dot)org/indonesia